Wednesday, August 4, 2010


"Make a way..." ~

The Lord has clearly exhorted EMI to open our doors to training international leaders...many who have little money to indulge in the equipping they hunger for.

Since May 2005, EMI is offering 8 days of FREE training to those who are able to travel to Cincinnati. We have been blessed and inspired by the stories of faith they bring with them.

Training focuses on one course per day in practical relationship and ministry skills. Starting with the skill of listening and growing in communicating care and understanding, SOS also teaches how to come along side someone seeking to change (discipleship), how to be set free from hidden beliefs that sabotage healthy biblical living, and how to reach out evangelistically in respectful relational ways without manipulation. Every guest receives personal healing prayer based on our Embracing God's Grace prayer teaching. God is faithful to meet their needs.

God always shows up for each guest in such personal tender yet powerful ways.
I'm happy to share with you the blessings of our July session of INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF SERVICE.

Emile Bigendakumana
Soo Oh
Christian Cole
Janet Plummer
Annie Johnson

is an evangelist who has a big heart for young people. He works as a DJ in a youth club. His vision spans over his nation of Burundi, Central Africa and expands to neighbors Rwanda, Congo and Tanzania where inter-tribal strife is often violent. "I seek to share the skills I learned with other ministers in my hometown, Bujumbura. I pray that many will be able to come to USA for this training."

Pastor Ral, from Asia, comes to us from a country now under military dictatorship. People are struggling to find work and food. He and his wife have taken in 30 orphans. Christianity is under persecution. He is the only Christian in his district which has no churches. His dream is to build churches and to develop young leaders to serve the Lord. While attending SOS, Ral was inspired by two things he'd never seen before: conversational healing prayer and childcare in a church. He is excited to take back the idea that a sanctified church can be useful to the community other days of the week as well as Sunday!

Soo is Korean American. She's on sabbatical visiting family after serving with YWAM in Kona, taking care of guest teachers. She was a perfect house-mate for our guests from Africa as she gracefully fell into the role of making sure they got to each EMI class. She came not sure of the direction for her life. "God has restored rest in my soul and spirit...and more passion for what God has in this vision & purpose to equip and mature the saints. Being here has given me excitement about where God wants me."

Christian is founder and president of Endtimes Christian Centre in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He is eager to bring EMI training to the local council of churches to minister more effectively to people in conflict and distress. "I need a team to help me do this training, and that God will grant resources to reach out to the four corners of Sierra Leone."

Janet, born in Jamaica, has been living in the USA and works as a corporate consultant/ trainer. She came to SOS specifically to help the reformation of a worship arts team of Jamaicans planning to minister world-wide. "God orchestrated this to be a place of infilling and refreshment...I feel rejeuvenated, refilled and ready to outflow."

Annie is from Bangalore, India. Her heart's desire is to work with women in distress by counseling and outreach. "SOS helped me go to deep areas of my heart and renew my mind. He brought healing to something I have struggled with the last 10 years. He has strengthened and empowered me."

Join us in praying as they return home and begin to pass on what God has given to them!

Graduation includes our "Map Ceremony" ~ putting a pin into their country, where God has now taken EMI's training in healthy relationship and ministry skills.

If you would like to participate as a volunteer or guest student, contact Pam Ping, Global Training Manager

Monday, March 22, 2010


Forever Fellowship

Each time we hold these schools for international leaders and missionaries, I find myself immersed in the joy of connecting with family!

Even though we've never met before, fellowship with believers is truly sweet. The heart to heart connection is immediate.

Here's a little about our guests; please join us in praying for them:

Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church of San Jose, California, has contracted with EMI to translate training material into Mandarin and Taiwanese. Their vision is to bring this life changing training to Chinese & Taiwanese world-wide.

SAMMY LEE is from TAIWAN and lives in California. An engineering professor, he took EMI's LISTENING course 6 years ago. He came to SOS to learn how to teach our courses -- to join his churches vision to impact the Taiwanese and Chinese cultures with God's transforming truth. BLESSINGS: SOS makes me more comfortable in doing mission work. I believe Taiwanese people will benefit and get life renewed through my EMI training in the future. PRAYER: Pray for my own inner healing and to pass on to others what God has done for me.

VIVIAN WANG LEE is from TAIWAN. She is eager to heal and grow personally. She joins her churches vision to equip Chinese & Taiwanese saints in the grace and truth of Christ. BLESSINGS: Through the whole week of intensive learning, practicing and sharing in laughs, tears, truth - you can tell how much deeper and wider we have been changing. This ministry enhances the value and the way to live a new life in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit. PRAYER: Pray for my husband and me to be unified team in our dream to equip Chinese and Taiwanese.

ERIN WU is from TAIWAN. She moved to California 5 years ago and is Canaan's lead translator. She is eager this week to understand the meaning of the words she is translating. So many English words do not have clear connection. How do you say "empathy" in Mandarin? BLESSINGS: The classes make me have clarity on my calling and what I need in my ministry. PRAYER: Pray we continue to grow an dbe good models for students.

JOSEPH YAKUBU ITODO is from NIGERIA. He heard about EMI training from a Cincinnati mission team who spoke of life-changing training. As a businessman, he had the resources to come to the USA expressly to take LISTENING training. He is back with a vision to equip a core group who will train people throughout Nigeria and begin to transform a nation that has seen trust destroyed by years of political unrest and violence. BLESSING: I heard His still small voice instructing me on the next phase of my life. PRAYER: Please pray for my ministry, that I don't do anything outside the will of God. Pray also for Nigeria.

SYLVESTER ROGERS is from SIERRA LEONE. He is a civil servant and clergyman. He tried to attend this training last year. The ticket agent at the airport told him he had to pay $600 more to board the plane. This time he went to Liberia to find lower air fare. He is so delighted to be here gaining the training he wants to take home to his church leaders and to the Body of Christ. PRAYER: Pray for my dream to resource churches of S. Leone with trucks, equipment, materials they can borrow to evangelize and equip. Pray the enemy does not abort this dream.

GANAPATHY RAJENDRAN is from INDIA. He is an administrator, a gift he shares with one of EMI's trainers in India through Pioneer Inter Cultural Services. He is eager to experience the courses he hears others talking about. BLESSINGS: SOS training opened my eyes to see the hidden side of my heart. PRAYER: Please pray for the Lord to show me a clear vision of my ministry. Pray for my 2 children to complete their studies and for my wife who is alone for the first time as I travel the USA. I would also like to help raise funds for EMI's ministry.

TOM BRADY is an EMI friend from Hudson, OHIO. For the first time in 35 years he is unemployed. He is here to pursue healing for himself and his family. Tom is also open to this being a possible preparation time for his passion for African children. He dreams of spending this next part of his life ministering to orphans. PRAYER: Pray for enduring relationships in my family, that my children come to know the Lord, and for the next step God has for my life.

Why do they come?
To learn transformational skills for healthy, effective life and ministry.
How do you SPEAK TRUTH IN LOVE, CONFRONT CONFLICT, RENEW YOUR MIND, and PRAY FOR HEALING? How do you teach others this journey to wholeness and freedom in Christ?

We are blessed to witness God growing the seeds planted in these men and women who seek to serve Him. One thing I have seen every time, He will accomplish more than any of us can think or imagine! Ephesians 3:20

Pam Ping
Global Training Manager
Equipping Ministries Int'l
Cincinnati, Ohio USA

*Int'l School of Service (SOS) is held in Cincinnati, OHIO twice annually. The Lord told us to make a way for internationals who have little money. Cost of training is underwritten by donations. At this moment, involvement is limited to those who can manage their travel. Volunteers provide training, housing & local transportation. Without EMI's community of friends & volunteers, this free training would not be possible. Our God is faithful.

Monday, February 1, 2010


When it rains, it pours!
International EMI network begins in LA area

Amidst the biggest rainstorm in over 40 years in a desert area just east of Los Angeles, the Holy Spirit poured deeply into 70 lives!

Pastors and leaders from 19 nations including Chile, Columbia, Cuba, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Samoa, Zambia received 50+ hours of intensive relationship skill and healing prayer teaching with tremendous gratitude and enthusiasm!

Quick to Listen Leaders stirred discussion on what a healthy, dynamic church looks like. Skills for deep heart listening and the minister of care and understanding were practiced.
Speaking the Truth in Love
brought loving accountability and healing confrontation into practice.
Embracing God's Grace
taught the power of the cross in prayers of invitation for rebellion, forgiveness for guilt, truth for condemnation and God's power for bondage.
Saturday presented ways to inspire congregations to reach into God's infilling and OUTFLOW his truth and grace to others.

Pastors made a point of saying that they have never received anything so practical, biblical and helpful to their own lives and ministries. "This is one conference that will not have only a book that gathers dust on my bookshelf as evidence that I was here," exclaimed Pastors Jacob and Samuel.

Our hosts, Pastor Dan & Tricia Sandoval of Church on the Hill (Redlands) were ecstatic to see a 100% commitment to continue the Tapestry vision. A core team of international pastors has come together to create an on-going Tapestry network and begin planning another training event for next year!

What is the Tapestry vision?

Just about every nation in the world is represented in the LA area.
Many tend to isolate into their cultural groups, including where they worship. Dan & Trish seek to grow a multinational network of Christian leaders who share resources and a passion to reach out in the USA and overseas with the healing grace and truth of Christ.

For EMI this event could not have happened without significant underwriting of a partner church in Cincinnati and 5 trained volunteers and Board members who paid their own way: Pastor Josh Colón, Dr. Jay Diller, Dr. Bob & Janis Lerer and Randy Richards. This kept the conference costs at a minimum in order to be accessible to every interested person.

Only God knows how these seeds will grow and what fruit they will bear. At EMI, we are rejoicing in a vision caught and nurtured by faithful servants in the desert!

For more information, contact EMI: